Position Title
Visiting Graduate Student
Hassan joined the Digital Agriculture lab at UC-Davis, as a visiting research scholar, in May 2022; He is working on a remote sensing project entitled "Retrieval of Plant Traits (Nitrogen) using Hyperspectral Sensing and Physical Modeling." Starting in 2020, he will work as a research assistant at the Post-harvest lab at the Department of DAFNE, University of Foggia, Italy. His research uses hyperspectral imaging and NIR spectroscopy to evaluate the quality of fresh horticultural products. In 2019, he graduated with a Master's Degree in "Data Science and Analytics" from the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and obtained several experiences in different data science problems. His research interests include optical non-destructive techniques, hyperspectral image analysis, remote sensing, chemometrics, machine learning, and data science applications in digital agriculture.